Saying Good-Bye To Mosquitoes

Saying Good-Bye To Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are pesky insects that buzz around, land on you and bite without warning. They can carry diseases and leave red bumps on the body. Short of staying inside all the time, there are a few ways to keep mosquitoes away from the home so that you can stay comfortable while being outdoors.

Saying Good-Bye To Mosquitoes

Lighting a citronella candle is perhaps the best thing that you could do to deter mosquitoes from the home. You can make candles yourself with a tin can and citronella wax. You can also add other scents, such as lavender, that will also distract the insects, leaving you alone while you enjoy time outside.

Get a few ribbons to hang around the outside of the home. Spray a small amount of lavender oil on each ribbon. This will help to keep the bugs from swarming. It’s best to keep them near windows and near places where you might see moisture or plants that mosquitoes are naturally to so that they smell the lavender and tend to leave instead of stay. Body oil is also an option, especially if you plan on being outdoors for an extended period of time. Combine about 30 drops of the oil to about two tablespoons of olive oil. Rub the oil onto areas where you’ve been bitten or on the skin where mosquitoes are prone to bite.

There are some sunscreens that have bug repellent in them. These are ideal for spending time at a pool or at a lake. Make sure you keep applying the sunscreen to the body every hour or as recommended. Not only will the sunscreen help to fight off bugs, but it will also help to keep you from getting sunburned.

One of the times when you might see mosquitoes more often is when you are grilling. One way that you can keep mosquitoes away is to put a bit of rosemary on the grill while you’re cooking. The herb also makes your food taste a bit better along with the charcoal taste or even the flavors from the propane. Another food item that you might want to use is garlic. You can eat garlic by itself or hang it around the house to ward off mosquitoes. If you eat it, then the mosquitoes will sense the odor that is there in the body when they get near you, which keeps them from biting as much as they would.

If you want a more effective method in preventing mosquitoes you can opt in into hiring a professional mosquito control expert like Mosquito Squad of Chapel Hill, Durham and Burlington. They can provide all natural mosquito control like barrier spray that kills mosquitoes on contact and works continuously for 3 weeks.

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