Surprising statements

I was somewhat surprised by the vitriolic letter written by Mr. Dallas Dunlop in the Oct. 18 edition of Hernando Today. Mind you, I said “somewhat surprised” and not totally surprised, because when it comes to the far-left members of the Democratic Party, paranoia certainly runs deep.

Let’s take Mr. Dunlap’s statement about former President Bush in which he said: “President’s commander in chiefly powers allowed him to spy on Americans without warrants” and he also said: “he claimed the power to kidnap and torture Americans in the United States.”

It is amazing to me how supposedly intelligent people can make statements like that without providing any examples. Mr. Dunlap, of course, does not stop there, he then turns his anger on the Tea-Partiers, associating them with the Republican Party. Obviously Mr. Dunlap spends all day listening to the far-left bloggers and watching MSNBC, for if he would take the time to learn about the tea-partiers, he would learn that these guys are mad at all politicians – and that includes the Republicans.

Of course, this does not help President Obama, due in part because he has broken every promise he has made and has been acting more like a pop star than a President. Where is the transparency he promised, Mr. Dunlap? I thought we were going to be given the chance to see the bills? What about the spending issue? Of course let’s not forget the various people he has as czars, many of whom openly admit to being Communists. Don’t you think some American people have a right to be concerned with the direction the President is taking us?

And what about other members of the Democratic Party, like the head of the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Charles Rangel who is under investigation for various ethics violations. Is this the type of person you want writing your tax laws?

Will Mr. Dunlap ever express out outrage over the corruption currently taking place in this Congress? The answer is no. In his mind the Democrats are the good guys and the Republicans are the bad guys, and there lies the problem. There are very few good guys in Congress, Mr. Dunlap. The majority of Congress are interested in two things and they are money and power.

Peter Stathis

Spring Hill

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