Learn how to introduce yourself to a dementia patient
If you plan to visit with loved ones who have dementia, please don’t start out with questions. If you do, there is a very good chance that you will raise their anxiety level to a point where it will elevate their confusion.
Questions can be the root of all evil when it comes to dementia patients. For instance, consider a restaurant setting. You may be wondering why they become so perplexed in this atmosphere, but consider that the first thing that happens when you walk in is that you’re usually asked “Would you like a table or booth?” “Coffee or tea?” “What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?” Add to this the typical din of a public place with multiple conversations going on in the room. On top of everything, this may be an unfamiliar environment to them, and that may be another reason why their anxiety level has gone through the roof.
As caregivers, we need to learn not to approach a dementia patient with multiple decisions and questions. Instead, begin with a simple, uncomplicated introduction. Yes, even if you’re the spouse your first words should be “Hi, my name is Ellen. I’m your wife.” Don’t be abashed by this. The worst thing you can do is to say, “Hi, do you remember me?” This is especially true in hospitals. A health care professional should identify themselves immediately, looking the patient in the eyes and saying something like, “Hi, my name is Joanne. I’ll be your nurse today.”
Forcing patients to struggle for answers right off the bat will get you absolutely nowhere. If you must ask important questions, slowly work your way into them. If approached correctly, you may even get the correct answer. However, if this is about an important medical or financial matter, these answers need verification from a family member or the patients’ advocate.
Another piece of advice is, before you introduce yourself, make sure they have visual contact with you. Don’t walk up behind them and frighten them.
Most of these suggestions refer to those patients who are in the moderate to latter stages of the disease, but even those in the earlier stages may be more confused in a setting such as a hospital.
You may be lucky enough to have an exceptional conversation with them, just by starting it correctly. You know what they say about first impressions.
Gary Joseph leBlanc was the primary caregiver of his father for a decade after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. He can be reached at us41books@bellsouth .net. His books “Managing Alzheimer’s and Dementia Behaviors,” “While I Still Can” and the expanded edition of “Staying Afloat in a Sea of Forgetfullness,” can be found at www.commonsensecare giving.com.