Letters to the editor

State Road 50 widening is a mess

Dear God, Please keep the state’s widening project away from State Road 50 east.

We who live in Spring Lake do not travel to businesses or restaurants on Cortez and Mariner.

A nightmare and not worth it, congestion is endless.

Last year, those who live East of Brooksville had to endure over a year of the “sidewalk to nowhere” construction. Almost a year ago it was completed, and the sidewalk has never had a single person use it.

So please, let the state and its Obama stimulus funds stay out of our county.

A tired taxpayer,

J.E. and Marilyn Bates

Spring Lake

These are our candidates?

Been watching TV lately? See the ads for Scott and Crist? These are the two contenders for governor of our state. Do these ads contain the truth about the candidates? I don’t know but regardless, if they are false, they would be libelous.

Do you think if they are false, one of the candidates would be the first to challenge the falsehoods? So, one of these guys is going to represent our state after November. Really makes you feel good, right?

How did we get to this point that candidates reason for voting for them is to dig up dirt on the other guy? Never mind about what they are going to do for Floridians. Oh yeah, I know, they have continued to tell you all the great things they have planned, but how can you trust people whose only reason for your vote is the other guy has more baggage than him?

Ron Dakin

Spring Hill

Support Christian values

The cowardly school board in Orange county has surrendered to the secularist progressives by banning chaplains from the school sports teams. What a bunch of gutless trash. How soon will this secular cancer infect Hernando? Who knows? It is well past time for the parents to stand up to these crazy few and say “enough.”

These Godless few wish to impose their will on our Judeo-Christian values. These loons cite the First Amendment as their justification and that is simply not what it says. It clearly states that congress shall make no law establishing a religion nor impinge on the free exercise thereof. Praying in school or a Nativity scene on public property is most definitely not establishing a “national” religion. It is, however, the free expression thereof.

If you want your children to grow as decent knowledgeable citizens arise and fight this impingement upon our rights.

George Stansbury


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