Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Truck (T.A.C.T.)
Starting February 23rd and ending March 8th

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a campaign targeting aggressive driving behaviors in both commercial vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers.
Aggressive driving is defined in Florida State statues under chapter 316.1925 as drivers committing two or more of the following acts simultaneously or in succession:
(1) Exceeding the posted speed as defined in s. 322.27(3)(d)5.b.
(2) Unsafely or improperly changing lanes as defined in s. 316.085.
(3) Following another vehicle too closely as defined in s. 316.0895(1).
(4) Failing to yield the right-of-way as defined in s. 316.079, s. 316.0815, or s. 316.123.
(5) Improperly passing as defined in s. 316.083, s. 316.084, or s. 316.085.
(6) Violating traffic control and signal devices as defined in ss. 316.074 and 316.075.

Fine amounts start at $164.00 and in many cases they are doubled; 4 points are also assessed to your driver’s license and in some cases more can be added per violation.

Deputies will be taking a zero tolerance stance on aggressive drivers with the intention of reducing fatal crashes as part of the Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Truck (T.A.C.T.).

Deputies will be looking for dangerous driving behaviors like following too closely, unsafe lane change and speeding violations committed by truck and car drivers.

The TACT campaign will also focus on educating drivers on how to share the road safely with commercial vehicles. Here are some tips offered by Florida Department of transportation website on how to safely share the road with semi trucks:

Tips on how to safely interact with large trucks:

• Don’t cut off trucks. Total stopping distance is very different for a large truck than a passenger car. When you pass a large truck allow a car length for every 10 mph you are traveling. Cutting it close with a truck can cut your life short.
• Stay out of the truck’s blind spots/No Zones. Trucks have very large blind spots.
• Keep a safe distance. While it is never safe to tailgate any vehicle on the highway, following too close is particularly dangerous around large trucks and buses because the size of these vehicles prevents you from seeing the road ahead and having sufficient time to react to slowing or stopped traffic or another obstacle.
• Only change lanes when you can see both of the truck’s headlights in your rearview mirror.
Please Drive Safely!!

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